FLA Power Hour
Spring 2022 Virtual Professional Development Series
Tuesdays – 6:30-7:30pm Eastern Time
Free for FLA Members!
Tuesday, September 14th at 6:30pm
Dr. Timothy Rasinski
Whatever Happened to the Art of Teaching Reading?
With the publication of the report of the National Reading Panel as well as the Science of Reading movement, reading instruction has been viewed largely as a scientific endeavor. Scientific inquiry has identified systematic instruction phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension as key critical reading competencies for students to master. Teachers have been mandated to follow reading instruction protocols that are based on scientific research. While not denying the need for scientifically validated approaches to teaching reading, it is important to note that teaching reading is also an art. Yet, the emphasis on the science of teaching reading has diminished artful approaches to reading instruction. In his presentation, Dr. Rasinski will make the case that effective teaching reading is an art and science, and he will explore ways that reading can be taught as both art and science.
Thursday, October 7th at 6:00pm
Dr. Jan Burkins & Kari Yates
Shifting the Balance: Bringing the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom
Based on their groundbreaking book, Jan Burkins and Kari Yates tell the story of their journey into the body of reading science often referred to as the science of reading, acknowledging that rethinking our practices is emotional as well as academic work. In this session, Jan and Kari assert that the “balanced literacy” and “the science of reading” communities are already aligned in many ways, that understanding more cognitive science can lead to stronger practices in classrooms, that some instructional practices do need to be revised or retired, and that getting started can be as simple as trying one of the entry points they will recommend.
Tuesday, October 26th at 6:30pm
Monique Fields
Using Honeysmoke as a Mirror to Inspire Self-Advocacy
Author Monique Fields will share the real story behind Honeysmoke. She will lead a discussion on how to use the picture book as a writing prompt to empower students to embrace their strengths, interests, and learning styles; set personal learning objectives; and work to overcome challenges. Through the use of Honeysmoke as well as other picture book texts, Monique will show teachers how they can foster students’ self-confidence and create an environment of self-advocacy and student-led learning in their classrooms.
Tuesday, November 9th at 6:30pm
Margarita Engle & Caron Levis
Writing is Heartwork: An intimate evening with two talented and inspirational authors
Authors Margarita Engle and Caron Levis will be joining FLA in an intimate author interview event. Gain insights into the art and heart of writing and use the inspiration to unleash the potential in your own students...or maybe even the writer within yourself!
Tuesday, November 30th at 6:00pm
Dr. Timothy Rasinski & Dr. Lynne Kulich
Effective Teaching of Reading Fluency - The Neglected Component of the Reading Curriculum
Fluency in reading has been found to be a critical element of any successful reading program (National Reading Panel). Despite its importance many students fail to achieve sufficiently in this area and many teachers do not feel fully competent in their knowledge and teaching of this reading component. In this presentation, Drs. Tim Rasinski and Lynne Kulich will provide theoretical and research background and definition to fluency. They will share effective and engaging strategies for teaching this all-important reading component that will move students toward better comprehension, greater overall proficiency in reading, and increased equity in the classroom.
Thursday, December 2nd at 6:30pm
Melissa Teston
"What do OUR students need for US to learn?" Critical Conversation in Literacy Coaching
Every teacher deserves access to high quality professional learning. Join us for an evening of critical conversations around literacy coaching as we explore our professional learning goals through the eyes and ears of our learners and embrace the mindset that coaching is not just what happens AFTER PD...coaching IS high quality professional learning!